Products widget handleiding
standaard:Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 31895 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Nobre Cál Gravel als verharding bij woonhuis [longtitle] => Nobre Cál Gravel als verharding bij woonhuis [description] => Nobre Cál Gravel is ideaal als halfverharding voor inrit, parkeerplaats of verharding in de tuin. [alias] => nobre-cal-gravel-verharding-woonhuis [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 13 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 129 [createdon] => 1739349259 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1739349534 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1739349240 [publishedby] => 129 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/nobre-cal-gravel-verharding-woonhuis [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 1 [link] => )
Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 31738 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Effectieve onkruidbestrijding op halfverharding met Nobre Cál [longtitle] => Nobre Cál onkruidmachine | Voor duurzame oplossingen [description] => Effectieve onkruidbestrijding op halfverharding nodig? Nobre Cál verwijdert mos en onkruid grondig en herstelt paden tot een stevig, veilig en fris geheel. [alias] => onkruidbestrijding-halfverharding [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 12 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 129 [createdon] => 1732784827 [editedby] => 121 [editedon] => 1732802469 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1732784820 [publishedby] => 129 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/onkruidbestrijding-halfverharding [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 2 [link] => )
Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 31452 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Nieuw bij Nobre Cál: Nobre Cál Gravel [longtitle] => Nieuw bij Nobre Cál: Nobre Cál Gravel [description] => Met trots presenteren wij bij Nobre Cál ons nieuwste product: Nobre Cál® Gravel. Een krachtige en duurzame oplossing voor de zwaardere toepassingen. Levering en plaatsing door ons. [alias] => nieuw-nobrecal-gravel [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 10 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 246 [createdon] => 1723034476 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1737012438 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1694428080 [publishedby] => 129 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/nieuw-nobrecal-gravel [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 3 [link] => )
Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 30560 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Full Electric aanleg Nobre Cál [longtitle] => Full Electric aanleg Nobre Cál | Nobre Cál [description] => Nobre Cál en andere soorten halfverharding kunnen wij nu full electric aanleggen. ✓ Zero emissie ✓ Minimaal 1 werkdag accuduur ✓ Batterij eenvoudig los te koppelen. [alias] => full-electric-aanleg-nobre-cal [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 10 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 129 [createdon] => 1694423381 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1694430982 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1694428080 [publishedby] => 129 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/full-electric-aanleg-nobre-cal [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 4 [link] => )
Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 30517 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Erfverharding in Tilburg [longtitle] => Erfverharding Tilburg - Nobre Cál [description] => [alias] => erfverharding-in-tilburg [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 9 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 129 [createdon] => 1692021631 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1692021718 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1692021600 [publishedby] => 129 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/erfverharding-in-tilburg [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 5 [link] => )
Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 27492 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Floriade 2022 [longtitle] => [description] => Nobre cál® graugelb is toegepast op het floriade park 2022 Almere [alias] => floriade-2022 [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 3 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 212 [createdon] => 1631627018 [editedby] => 212 [editedon] => 1651239551 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1651239551 [publishedby] => 212 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/floriade-2022 [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 6 [link] => )
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Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 28895 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Paden Amsterdam oost aanleg met elektrische shovel [longtitle] => [description] => Ook Amsterdam stadsdeel oost ziet de voordelen van Nobre cál® halfverharding. Begin 2021 het eerste project uitgevoerd en na volgen meerdere locaties. Wij verzorgen hier het totaalpakket voor deze opdrachtgever. Onkruid vrij maken, waar nodig fundatie verbeteren en natuurlijk levering en aanleg van de toplaag. Ook maken wij hier gebruik van een elektrische shovel voor de aanvoer van het materiaal naar de spreidmachine. Op naar een fossiel arme toekomst. [alias] => paden-amsterdam-met-electrische-shovel [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 3 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 212 [createdon] => 1651239640 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1660126703 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1651239540 [publishedby] => 212 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/paden-amsterdam-met-electrische-shovel [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 8 [link] => )
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Array ( [img_pthumb] => w=360&h=360&q=95&zc=1&dims=0&aoe=1 &depth=`0` &tpl=`products-widget-item` &includeTVs=`cover-image,excerpt,col-width` &context=`` &limit=`4 [id] => 27045 [type] => document [contentType] => text/html [pagetitle] => Erfverharding in Brummen [longtitle] => Erfverharding Brummen | Nobre Cál Halfverharding [description] => [alias] => erfverharding-brummen-nobre-cál-halfverharding [alias_visible] => 1 [link_attributes] => [published] => 1 [pub_date] => 0 [unpub_date] => 0 [parent] => 23155 [isfolder] => 0 [introtext] => [richtext] => 1 [template] => 3 [menuindex] => 3 [searchable] => 1 [cacheable] => 1 [createdby] => 212 [createdon] => 1624360893 [editedby] => 129 [editedon] => 1660125185 [deleted] => 0 [deletedon] => 0 [deletedby] => 0 [publishedon] => 1583318520 [publishedby] => 140 [menutitle] => [donthit] => 0 [privateweb] => 0 [privatemgr] => 0 [content_dispo] => 0 [hidemenu] => 1 [class_key] => modDocument [context_key] => [content_type] => 1 [uri] => nobrecal/erfverharding-brummen-nobre-cál-halfverharding [uri_override] => 0 [hide_children_in_tree] => 0 [show_in_tree] => 0 [properties] => [idx] => 10 [link] => )
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